Zebra Technologies is a leader in business hardware, software and tech. When they their ZSB series thermal printer, their first product aimed at small businesses, they asked us to help create brand awareness, social content and instructional product videos.
CD: Melissa Egan Copy: Dan Morales Director: Steven Morales
When we first started working for ZSB in 2021, we were told to focus on the "maker' community, and inspire small businesses to utilize the ZSB printer beyond just shipping labels. On Instagram and Facebook, we created content for maker personas, showed use case ideas, shared tips and tricks, as well as engaged the small business community. I worked closely with our content creator Ashley Poskin on ZSB content. All posts where shot in our homes, usually with a tripod and an iPhone.

In 2024, we got a new client at ZSB, and a request to pivot from the maker/etsy focused content, and lean into more of the business side of the printer's benefits. Their research indicated that businesses like fitness centers, auto parts retailers, law firms and consulting groups used ZSB printers frequently. We seamlessly their social visuals and tone to be in line with our new client's vision.